Thursday 28 January 2010


I have done most of my indexhibit site now, I think it is looking good and I am pretty happy with it. I still need to add a few more projects and change things round a little bit.

Ambassador with your indecision you are really killing me

I've been trying to design a self-promotional mail shot, but I'm finding it really hard, it never seems to be quite good enough and I can't settle on an idea.

I spent an afternoon coming up with this design, playing on the idea of Angus beef in a kind of spoof butchers diagram, but when I had finished I didn't feel it worked and it doesn't really represent my style of work.

So, sticking with the idea of using some king of information design idea to represent different parts of my character I came up with this (below). I think it works much better, it is much more appropriate and represents the style of work I do better.

So now I've got a concept for the front cover I've been having a hard time deciding about format, layout and paper stock and having a bitch trying to produce it well.

I was orginally going to simply do an A5 booklet, but I though this was a bit boring.

So I desided to add a tear off business card stapled to the side, I think this makes it a bit more interesting and reflects my interest in print and finishing techniques.

The photos on this spread keep printing out with a realy red hue.

CV on the back page.

I made some new business cards but obviously if I have a tear off business card on the booklet I won't really need them.

I just need to get the book printed well on good stock and get it sent out now.