Tuesday 23 February 2010

Website Updated

I've added a whole lot more projects to my website, tweaked the colour of the links using CSS and generally just tightened it up, so you could say it is pretty much finished. Although obviously I will keep on adding to it with new projects in the future.

Self Promo Ready to Go

Self promotion stuff is really hard to do, because it has to represent you and it has to be absolutely perfect. It's taken me a while to get it just right but I have settled on a design I am happy with.

I decided to use my original business card design from the beginning of the third year, I like how it looks and it is consistent with the branding on my website which I think is important.

I went for a consortia, A5 leaflet to display my work, I think it works well.

The companys I am sending it out to are:

Their all in North East London, because I know I will have a place to stay. All pretty dream places to work as well but I thought I may as well aim high, I don't really have anything to loose.