Tuesday 20 April 2010

Email to Mind Design Re: Placement

Holger Jacobs from Mind Design mentioned the possibility of a placement to me when he responded to the questions I sent him for my design context. I E-mailed back very quickly expressing my interest, Mind design is one of my favouite agencies and the possibility of doing a placement there is amazing.

From: holger@minddesign.co.uk
To: gusmacp@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Typography: Product and Process Publication
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 23:58:46 +0100

Hi Angus,
no problem See below. Could you correct my bad English if necessary please?
Nice work by the way. I like your Environment Typography a lot. Good luck with your degree show. Let me know in case you want to do an internship after college in case you are coming over to London.

All Best, Holger

My Response

Hi Holger

Thanks for your responses to my questions, thats great!

I intend to move down to London when I graduate and I would love to do an internship at with you at Mind. Im going to be free from Tuesday the 6th of July onwards after our end of year show. Let me know what dates would be possible for you. I will send through an updated pdf portfolio as soon as possible.

All the Best

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