Monday 31 May 2010

End of year Show Proposal

Above is my initial propsal for my display at the end of year show. I wanted to display my two most recent tyopefaces, laser cut out of asetate. They would have spot lights above them. I felt this reflected my interests both in processes and production techniques as well as typography. However Fred and Lorenxo, in the tutorial, said that this was too light and I needed to do more with my exhibition. Suggesting that, instead of producing 2 A1 posters I produce 9 A2 posters, utilising all of the typefaces I have made this year.

My Second Proposal looked like this, it uses 5 of the typefaces I have made over this year. I also utilise more production techniques, including laser cuts, digital printing and screen printing. I feel this is a more complete representation of my interests and more engaging.

At the moment I feels a bit scattered and I probably need to make it a more cohesive. I will probably use more consistant colours and materials to achieve this.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Mind Placement

I Email Holger Jacobs at Mind a pdf of my new portfolio regarding his metion of doing a work placement. Apparently they don't have any interns at the moment because the projects they have on aren't very interesting. However he said that if I stay in touch they may have more interesting work on by the time I graduate. So fingers crossed I'll be able to do some work with the later in the year. Below is his response.

Hi Angus,

sorry for the late reply. I am actually on holiday at the moment. We don't really have any interesting work at all at the moment. All the potential projects we were hoping to get recently have fallen through. So at the moment is really not a good time for any intern I am afraid. But that might change again by the time you are finished with your degree show and everything. So I put a note to contact you again. And remind me closer to the time when you are finished. At the moment we don't have any intern at all as I hate letting intern work on projects that are totally boring and do nothing for them or their portfolio.

All Best, Holger

Monday 10 May 2010

Print Portfolio

I got my portfolio printed out last week. I think it looks nice and I'll have something I'm proud of to show designers thta I visit or come into the college.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Revised Portfolio

After talking to Chris from Elmwood and also shooting some product shots of my most recently complteted work in the photo studio I made some more alteration to my PDF portfolio. Mainly it was a case of taking out the fat and making sure that everything in it I was 100 percent happy with. Chris said that you need to be able to be totally confident in talking about every project. I also moved the YTD project to the front as Chris said this was my strongest project.

Portfolio April 2010 Web