Wednesday 12 May 2010

Mind Placement

I Email Holger Jacobs at Mind a pdf of my new portfolio regarding his metion of doing a work placement. Apparently they don't have any interns at the moment because the projects they have on aren't very interesting. However he said that if I stay in touch they may have more interesting work on by the time I graduate. So fingers crossed I'll be able to do some work with the later in the year. Below is his response.

Hi Angus,

sorry for the late reply. I am actually on holiday at the moment. We don't really have any interesting work at all at the moment. All the potential projects we were hoping to get recently have fallen through. So at the moment is really not a good time for any intern I am afraid. But that might change again by the time you are finished with your degree show and everything. So I put a note to contact you again. And remind me closer to the time when you are finished. At the moment we don't have any intern at all as I hate letting intern work on projects that are totally boring and do nothing for them or their portfolio.

All Best, Holger

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