Monday 31 May 2010

End of year Show Proposal

Above is my initial propsal for my display at the end of year show. I wanted to display my two most recent tyopefaces, laser cut out of asetate. They would have spot lights above them. I felt this reflected my interests both in processes and production techniques as well as typography. However Fred and Lorenxo, in the tutorial, said that this was too light and I needed to do more with my exhibition. Suggesting that, instead of producing 2 A1 posters I produce 9 A2 posters, utilising all of the typefaces I have made this year.

My Second Proposal looked like this, it uses 5 of the typefaces I have made over this year. I also utilise more production techniques, including laser cuts, digital printing and screen printing. I feel this is a more complete representation of my interests and more engaging.

At the moment I feels a bit scattered and I probably need to make it a more cohesive. I will probably use more consistant colours and materials to achieve this.

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